Title VI Language Resource Centers

Title VI Language Resource Centers

In 1990 the U.S. Department of Education created its Language Resource Center Program under Title VI of the Higher Education Act and established three Foreign Language Resource Centers (LRCs) in the country. Currently, there are sixteen centers in the United States. The LRCs created a Common Web Portal, where you find all materials, resources, and events listed in one site. Visit the Common site.

Language Resource Centers are to conduct research on and serve as resources for improving the foreign language teaching and learning environment in the United States. While each center has its unique focus, all LRCs carry out activities in the following general areas:

– Research on innovative methods for teaching foreign languages, including the use of advanced educational technologies
– Development of new teaching materials
– Development of foreign language performance tests
– Publication of instructional materials in the Less Commonly Taught Languages
– Dissemination of research results, teaching, learning and assessment materials
– Affordance of educational opportunities for language teaching professionals

The Title VI LRCs for the period of 2022-2026 are:

Assessment and Evaluation Language Resource Center (AELRC) – Georgetown University
Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER) – The Pennsylvania State University
Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) – University of Minnesota
Center for Applied Second Language Studies (CASLS) – University of Oregon
Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL) – University of Arizona
Center for Integrated Language Communication (CILC) – City University of New York Graduate Center
Center for Languages of the Central Asian region (CeLCAR) – Indiana University
Center for Urban Language Teaching and Research (CULTR) – Georgia State University
Curricular Enhancement, Development, Access, and Research (CEDAR) – University of Cincinnati
National African Language Resource Center (NALRC) – Indiana University
National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) – University of Hawaii at Manoa
National Heritage Language Resource Center (NHLRC) – University of California, Los Angeles
National Less Commonly Taught Languages Resource Center (NLRC) – Michigan State University 
National Resource Center for Asian Languages (NRCAL) – California State University, Fullerton
Professional in Education Advancing Research and Language Learning (PEARLL) – University of Maryland
Slavic and Eurasian Language Resource Center (SEELRC) – Duke University

Browse the common LRC Portal at http://www.nflrc.org