

Author(s): Nina Vyatkina & Karen E. Johnson, Penn State
Publication Year(s): 2007
ISBN: 978-0-9793950-3-1
Size: 55 Pages

Teaching German Modal Particles: A Corpus-based Approach offers an approach to the challenges of teaching the usage of modal particles to learners of German that emphasizes awareness raising activities. The worksheets and handouts are sequenced to move learners through a gradual process of inductively noticing patterns of modal particle use, to defining modal particle meanings and usages, to analyzing modal particle use in context, and finally, to deductively using modal particles in extended communicative interactions. All worksheets are followed by answer keys which offer additional explanations about appropriate modal particle usage. The materials have been created on the basis of a collection of authentic communicative computer-mediated interactions that took place between L2 learners of German and native speakers of German.

Teaching German Modal Particles: A Corpus-based Approach is intended for high-intermediate and advanced levels of proficiency and can be used as supplemental materials in a variety of college/university courses.

What educators say:

“Thank you for sharing the German Modal Particles materials! I will be using them from now on with my honor society and German IV students.” Dr. Noelle Andrie, The Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School


Now available as free downloads: All worksheets, answer keys, and handout are now available as free downloadable PDFs. For educational use only. By downloading a PDF, you agree with not reposting or redistributing the materials. Please read “Preface.”

Teaching German Modal Particles: A Corpus-based Approach Cover Image
Type: Soft Cover

Publication Units:


A. Noticing Modal Particle Usage
A_WS1 …  A_AK1
A_WS2 ….A_ AK2

B. Defining Modal Particles

C. Analyzing Modal Particle Usage
C_WS1 … C_AK1
C_WS2 … C_AK2
C_WS3 …. C_AK3
C_WS4 …. C_AK4
C_WS5 …. C_AK5
D. Using Modal Particles
D_WS1 …. D_AK1

D_WS2 … D_AK2

E. Analyzing L2 Learner Modal Particle Usage

E_WS1 … E_AK1

Project Work: German

Author(s): Gabriela Appel, The Pennsylvania State University
Publication Year(s): 2003

Project Work: German

13 Jahre Deutsche Vereinigung: A Sample Project for Advanced Learners of German 
This group project is an “inquiry project”, in which students research in-depth the continuous process of unification in Germany. Students’ research develops from a text (a speech), which they read initially. In this speech, several key issues surrounding German unification are raised, which can be transformed into project questions or sub-topics worth investigating. After identifying key concepts, students select a set of sub-topics to be researched and do so in small groups. The product, which they develop is a written report on their sub-topic and an oral presentation. Author: Gabriela Appel, Penn State University. 2003 – See more at:

Project Work: German Cover Image
Type: Spiral-bound

Publication Units:

13 Jahre Deutsche Vereinigung: A Sample Project for Advanced Learners of German

This group project is an “inquiry project”, in which students research in-depth the continuous process of unification in Germany. Students’ research develops from a text (a speech), which they read initially. In this speech, several key issues surrounding German unification are raised, which can be transformed into project questions or sub-topics worth investigating. After identifying key concepts, students select a set of sub-topics to be researched and do so in small groups. The product, which they develop is a written report on their sub-topic and an oral presentation.

Publication Files: